Participation of young people in online sexual solicitations is a strongly emerging theme in internet and
social networking related studies. However, here inKenya,studies that examine how young people engage in online
solicitations that may later transform into offline sexual activities and behaviors are nonexistent.As well, studies that
report on how young people participate in social networking sites’ online groups dedicated to sexuality and sexual talk
is virtually missing. Descriptive survey method was used to investigate whether college students in Nairobi participate
in online solicitations and online social groups dedicated to sexual talk on social networking sites. A sample
comprising of 300 college students drawn from a private university college in Nairobi completed a survey
questionnaire. The survey assessed participation in online groups dedicated to sex and sexually, online solicitations
and offline engagement in sexual activities and behaviors as a result of such solicitations. About 45% of the
respondents confirmed to have participated in activities of online groups on Facebook that explicitly portray sexuality,
sexual activities and behaviors. It also emerged that students used social networking sites for both online and offline
connections and interactions. In fact, respondents confirmed to have attended social events invited through social
networking sites where certain sexual activities happened. This study recommends further investigation of the extent
to which youth people’s engagement in online solicitations put them at risk of both online and offline sexual abuse
and harassment.